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How To Use Theme Options

This video focuses on How to use Theme Options work (ex: ORSON theme) and how to use them properly on your website.

– Theme Options are applied globally but can be overwritten by setting options in Page Options (and Preset). Theme Options are logically organnized into tabs, each tab contains all the options for that specific area within your site.
– To learn more about the difference between Theme Options, Page Options and Preset, Please refer to our “How G5Theme options work” article in this link: http://support.g5plus.net/knowledge-base/how-g5theme-options-work/

We highly encourage you to explore the theme options and experimentwith what all the available options can do.

If you have any troubles configuring your website applications with the above settings you can contact the G5Theme Support team by signing up and submit a new topic. We will be glad to assist you.